monade contemporary|単子現代
*プレゼンテーション/オープニング・パーティ 2月11日(土)19時~
会期:2023年2月10日(金)~3月5日(日)|金・土・日 14~19時
会場:〒605-0829 京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入ル 2号室
• Presentation and reception party: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2023
Dates: February 10 (Fri.) – March 5 (Sun.), 2023|Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays: 14:00 – 19:00
Venue: Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829
本展では、実物からデジタルまでさまざまなメディアで制作した作品群を展示します。展覧会名となる表題作は、旧ソ連圏の国々による宇宙ミッションの記念切手を使った小さなフォーマットのコラージュ作品《Air From Another Planet》(2015)です。そこに対立/対話するのは、ポストカードでつくったオベリスクのモニュメントに言及したシリーズ《30x30x30》(2015)の3つの要素。古代エジプト文化から採用され、何世紀にもわたって世界中に広まったテーマです。ビデオ作品の《メメント・パーク》(2019)では、共産主義のユートピアとグローバリゼーションの関係を一連のパフォーマティブな介入とともに統合し、記録しています。さらに、日本での個人的な体験に関連するデジタル形式の作品が続きます。連作となる《神楽》(2014)と《天照大神とチビタベッキアの聖母》(2013/2015)、進行中のプロジェクト《市長へのオープンレター》(2021~)は、イタリアと日本にとって想像上の架け橋となります。また、ビデオ作品《Sail》(2012)、共同出版作品《Ruin or Revolution》(2020)、プロジェクト《Archaeology of the Future》(2021~、進行中)の一部も公開する予定です。
― Ryts Monet(リッツ・モネ)
monade contemporary | 単子現代では、アーティストRyts Monet(リッツ・モネ)による「Air From Another Planet | 異星からのエア」を開催します。
ノスタルジー溢れる近未来的な宇宙のビジョンを感じさせる表題作《Air From Another Planet | 異星からのエア》(2015)を中心に、世界各国のオベリスクが描かれたハガキ、共産主義時代のハンガリーの記念碑像、また神楽や天照大神、聖母といった宗教的な象徴への憧憬、そして日本とイタリアのまちにつながりをもたらそうとする市長への呼びかけをモチーフとした作品群は、どのようにして人々の間にユートピア的な連帯、あるいはオルタナティブな境域を生み出すことができるのでしょうか。そのとき、人と都市国家、自然のかかわりは、どのようなものとして表現され、記録され、公開されることになるのでしょうか。リッツ・モネの活動初期から近年の活動を振り返りながら、来たるべき人々の生存と自由をかけた闘争/逃走をめぐる歴史の運動にご参加ください。
リッツ・モネ Ryts Monet
1982年バーリ生まれ、ウィーン在住。ヴェネツィア大学(IUAV)で学び、2007年にBA Visual Artsを卒業、2011年にビジュアル・コミュニケーション(修士プログラム)を研究する。2022年、ウィーン・セセッションの正会員となる。2016年より、ヴェネチアのミケーラ・リッツォ・ギャラリー所属。
Ryts Monet Solo Exhibition Air From Another Planet
In my work, I use communicative language that I express through different media. I often combine elements of high culture with elements of popular culture through the archive mode or by interfering with contemporary society. My works deal with themes such as clash, ruin, repetition, the history of the twentieth century and possible futures – with a particular focus on the European and Mediterranean contexts. The subjects are mainly monuments, collective identity and the anthropised landscape. I often use pre-existing materials such as postcards, stamps and banknotes, but also digital material, newspaper articles or any other type of subject that I reprocess to better understand our times.
For the exhibition, I would like to present a body of works made with different media, some in real form and some exhibited digitally. The main work from which the exhibition takes its name is Air From Another Planet (2015), a series of small-format collages made with commemorative stamps of space missions of countries aligned with the former Soviet bloc. In opposition/dialogue are three elements of the series 30x30x30 (2015), realized with postcards and referring to the Obelisk monument. A theme adopted from the culture of the ancient Egyptians and spread throughout the world over the centuries. In the video Memento Park (2019), the relationship between communist utopia and globalization is united and documented through a series of performative interventions. Then follow some works in digital form that relate to my personal experiences in Japan: the two series of works “Kagura” (2014) and “Amaterasu Goddess of Sun and Holy Mary of Civitavecchia” (2013/2015), as well as an ongoing project “Open Letter to the Mayor” (2021-) create an imaginary bridge between Italy and Japan. Among them, the video Sail (2012), the co-publication work Ruin or Revolution (2020) and some elements of the project Archaeology of the Future (2021 – ongoing) will be also presented to the public.
― Ryts Monet
〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary is excited to present “Air From Another Planet” by artist Ryts Monet.
Ryts Monet has been working on the imaginary landscape of stagnant industrial cities, ruined monuments in the former communist countries, archaeological sites, and international banknotes in Mediterranean countries, exploring the history, national systems, and ideologies of people living in the globally expanding information capitalism through everyday materials such as newspapers, postcards, and money. He has also intermittently developed works based on his interest in contemporary Japanese culture, traditions, and folklore. In the face of the current political and economic system that seems to be expanding, inflating, and heading toward self-destruction at an accelerated pace due to information technology, the time spirit and imaginary landscapes represented by Ryts Monet’s works seem to emerge as monuments of people’s struggle for freedom and survival or their flight from it.
Centered on the title series “Air From Another Planet” (2015), which evokes a futuristic but nostalgic vision over the cosmic universe, how can the motifs of works such as obelisks from around the world, monumental statues from communist-era Hungary, and the longing for religious symbols in Kagura, Amaterasu, and the Virgin, and the call to the mayor to bring a new connection between the cities of Japan and Italy, create utopian solidarity or an alternative terrain among people? How can the relationship between people, the city-state, and nature then be objectified, recorded, and made public? Reflecting on Ryts Monet’s early and recent activities, please participate in the movement of history over the struggle/flight for survival and freedom of the people to come.
Ryts Monet
Bari, 1982, lives and works in Vienna. He studied at the University IUAV of Venice, where he graduated in the BA Visual Arts in 2007 and in 2011 he specialized in Visual Communication (MA Program). In 2022 Ryts Monet became a regular member of the Vienna Secession. Since 2016 he has been represented by the Michela Rizzo Gallery in Venice.

*Realized with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum Tokyo.