さくまはな 個展 ポリレンマの家|Hana Sakuma Solo Exhibition  The House of Polylemma

monade contemporary|単子現代
会期:2024年1月5日(金)~1月28日(日)|金・土・日 14~19時
会場:〒605-0829京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入ル 2号室
+ ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。

アーティストトーク、ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみとのコラボレーションによる茶会

さくまはな×嘉藤笑子 トークイベント「場所、移動、コミュニティをめぐって」
神戸、ロンドン、インドネシア、メキシコ、東山のまちを背景に、さくまはなのこれまでの作品と活動を振り返ります。長年にわたり京島を拠点に日本各地でキュレーションを展開しているインディペンデント・キュレーターの嘉藤笑子が、真鍮の家の新シリーズ「from the house through the house」など、その作品と一連の活動の魅力を探ります。



本展では、真鍮の家の新シリーズ「from the house through the house」の一作目となる「ポリレンマの家」と題した作品を展示します。ポリレンマとは複数の好ましくない選択肢から選ばなければならない状況を指します。近年、問い直されている公的扶助や再分配といった社会課題の歴史を辿るような気持ちで制作した本作では、英国の公共住宅やそのルーツとされる貧民救済施設などの建築物正面のデザインを着想源にグリッドで描けるようなシンプルな家の構造体を制作しmonade contemporary | 単子現代の空間に配置します。


― さくまはな

monade contemporary | 単子現代では、さくまはな による「ポリレンマの家」を開催します。


本展では、「ポリレンマ(polylemma)」という複数の命題における選好状況、あるいはたくさんの(poly)つかまれたもの(lemma)という問いに目を向けて、真鍮の家の新シリーズ「from the house through the house」の契機となる「ポリレンマの家」が展示されます。古代から装飾や工具、武器、貨幣などに使用されてきた真鍮という素材が、イギリスの公共住宅やそのルーツとされる貧民救済施設などの建築物の構造をトレースし、今日の日本や京都という歴史と相見えるとき、さくまはなの真鍮の線が描き出すまちあるいは都市はどのようなインスタレーション作品として現われることになるのでしょうか。


さくまはな  https://www.hanasakuma.com/
アーティスト。神戸在住。1993 年~2010 年ロンドンを拠点に活動。ロンドン大学スレード美術大学 MFA (Sculpture)を経て、2006 年、ロンドン芸術大学チェルシーカレッジ オブアート&デザイン博士号(Practice-based PhD)取得。イギリス、メキシコ、アジア各地での調査や活動を機に概念としての家、移動、境界線にまつわる制作活動を行う。

Hana Sakuma Solo Exhibition  The House of Polylemma

monade contemporary|単子現代
Dates: January 5 (Fri) – 28 (Sun), 2024 | Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 14:00 – 19:00
Venue: Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829

Polylemma Tea Party
January 6, 2024 (Sat)  16:00-18:00
1,000 JPY
Artist talk, and a tea party in collaboration with Café Mizu-Umi, the LAKE to Eat Words.

Hana Sakuma & Emiko Kato Talk Event: Place, Moving, Community
Saturday, January 13, 18:00-19:00
One drink order
Looking back on Sakuma Hana’s past works and activities in the context of the cities of Kobe, London, Indonesia, Mexico, and Higashiyama, this talk will provide an overview of the artist’s work and activities. Independent curator Emiko Kato, who has been based in Kyojima for many years and curates exhibitions throughout Japan, will explore the work and series of activities, including her new series of brass houses, “from the house through the house”.

Disassembly and Reassembly Tea Party
January 28, 2024 (Sun)  16:00-18:00
One drink order
We will disassemble the brass with visitors talking over their memories of home and draw a line on the space floor with brass parts. *After the event on the last day, 28th, the disassembled brass houses will be on display.

Through the brass house series, miniature stalls, and installations using everyday materials, I have been thinking about the individual and society, the individual and the collective, the concept of “we,” the boundaries between different cultures and values, people’s lives, and the wisdom of survival.

This exhibition will feature a work entitled “The House of Polylemma,” the first in a new series of brass houses entitled “from the house through the house. Polylemma refers to a situation in which one has to choose among multiple unfavorable alternatives. This work, inspired by the design of the facades of British public housing and poor relief shelters, which are considered to be the roots of public housing, a simple house structure that can be drawn with grid is installed in monade contemporary | 単子現代space.

On the last day of the exhibition, after the artist’s talk, we will have an event where these brass houses will be disassembled together with visitors to draw a line on the floor of the exhibition space while talking over their memories of home. The disassembled brass parts will be reassembled as part of a new brass house that will be the subsequent work of art.

― Hana Sakuma

〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代is pleased to present ” The House of Pollemma” by Hana Sakuma.

Based on her experience of traveling and living in the United Kingdom, Japan, and other countries abroad, Hana Sakuma has been creating installations based on materials used in daily life. Among them, she has made miniatures focusing on brass houses that trace the structure of buildings lined up on street corners and stalls that support and add color to people’s lives. The system of living space, the smallest unit of people’s lives, seems to be transforming along with the various materials, foods, and information in towns and cities that circulate together with individuals and others.

In this exhibition, “The House of Polylemma,” opening the new series of brass houses “from the house through the house,” will be exhibited with an eye on the question of preference in the multiple propositions of “polylemma” or “many (poly) taken (lemma).” Brass, a material used since ancient times for decoration, tools, weapons, currency, etc., traces the structure of buildings such as public housing in England and the poorhouse that is said to be its root, and when seen in the history of today’s Japan and Kyoto, what kind of town or city will appear as an installation work from the brass lines of Hana Sakuma?

In today’s fluid capitalist society, the various communities of multinational workers are coming to life in towns and cities, along with the accelerating waves of immigrants. If the hostile situation between citizens and non-citizens is avoided in towns and cities, and those who could be enemies are accepted as friends, the system of living space, the smallest unit of people’s lives, should be transformed with actions of gift and care. What propositions will then be shared by each one, that which is taken or possessed by people? Please join us in the foretelling of giving and care, along with the movement of the brass line from ancient times to today.

Hana Sakuma  https://www.hanasakuma.com/
Artist. Lives and works in Kobe, Japan. Previously based in London, 1993-2010. After obtaining MFA (Sculpture) at Slade School of Art, University of London, she completed a practice-based PhD at Chelsea College of Art & Design, University of the Arts London, 2006. Her research and work in the UK, Mexico and Asia has led her to produce work related to home as a concept, movement and boundaries.

