村田のぞみ/リー・ハオ 展 風景を越えて | Beyond the Landscape

村田のぞみ/リー・ハオ 展
風景を越えて | Beyond the Landscape

monade contemporary|単子現代
2024年6月1日(土)~16日(日)|木・金・土・日 14~19時
〒605-0829京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入ル 2号室
+ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。

・2024年6月1日(土) オープニング・レセプション 19~21時
・2024年6月9日(日) トークイベント:アートの歴史性と場所性を考える 16~17時
ゲスト:村田のぞみ(アーティスト)、吉田隆之(大阪公立大学)、リー・ハオ(アーティスト *リモート参加)

monade contemporary | 単子現代では、村田のぞみ、リー・ハオ(Lê Hào)による「風景を越えて | Beyond the Landscape」を開催します。





村田のぞみ https://www.muratanozomi.com/

リー・ハオ(Lê Hào) https://www.facebook.com/lequyanhhao
1980年ベトナム、ベンチェ省生まれ。ホーチミン市美術大学(学士)卒業後、ベトナム・サイゴン在住。近年の展覧会に、京都での個展「dim」(2023年)、福島でのグループ展「reflection -distant view from seawall」(2020年)などがある。

吉田隆之 https://yoshi-lab.org/
神戸市生まれ。大阪公立大学大学院都市経営研究科准教授。文化経済学会〈日本〉理事、日本文化政策学会監事。博士(学術)。研究テーマは、文化政策・アートプロジェクト論。著書に『芸術祭と地域づくり “祭り”の受容から自発・協働による固有資源化へ』(水曜社、2019年)、『芸術祭の危機管理-表現の自由を守るマネジメント』(水曜社,2020年)ほか。


MURATA Nozomi / Lê Hào Exhibition
Beyond the Landscape

monade contemporary|単子現代
June 1 (Sat) – 16 (Sun), 2024 | Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 14:00 – 19:00
Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829
*In cooperation with Café Mizuumi.

・June 1 (Sat), 2024 Opening reception 19:00-21:00
・June 9 (Sun), 2024 Talk Event Thinking about the Historicity and Field of Art Today
16:00-17:00 *one drink order
Guest:MURATA Nozomi (artist), Takayuki Yoshida (Osaka Metropolitan University), Lê Hào (artist) (*remote participation)
Featuring Nozomi Murata and Lê Hào’s works, we will talk over the historicity and field of today’s art.

〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代 is pleased to present “Beyond the Landscape” by MURATA Nozomi and Lê Hào.

Landscape has been seen and loved as a classical motif in documentation, painting, and photography, as well as a medium for recalling history and memory. This exhibition approaches the relationship between people and landscapes in places with installation works by MURATA Nozomi and paintings by Lê Hào.

MURATA Nozomi has been working on installations and other works that weave stories of places, as well as trying to create landscapes of individuals and places that have not been recorded in historical facts through interviews and dialogues. This time, while reflecting on the past activities in Takamijima and Fukumachi, the artist attempts to reinterpret landscapes with the sea and boats in everyday vessels.

Lê Hào has also worked with performance and painting, focusing on the relationship of families and individuals to the history and social conditions of Vietnam. The work presented seeks to recapture the distance between the historical facts and people through abstract expressions with the overlapped braille used by the visually disabled that reconstruct the documentary photographs of boat people after the Vietnam War.
When one presents and sees the landscape in a place, what is revealed, lost, found, and how is it felt? Please join us for a sign of a renewed history before the haptics of the everyday landscape.

MURATA Nozomi https://www.muratanozomi.com/
Born in 1994, Nara. Artist. Doctor of Fine Arts. Focusing on installations that resemble drawings in space using thin stainless steel wire, the artist creates works that weave a story of a place with a variety of techniques such as tableau and photographic techniques. Recently, the artist has been engaged in projects to create landscapes of individuals and places that did not remain in the historical record through interviews and dialogues.

Lê Hào https://www.facebook.com/lequyanhhao
Born in Ben Tre province, VietNam, 1980. The artist lives and works in SaiGon, VietNam, after graduating from Fine Art university of HCM (B.A). For recent exhibition, a solo exhibition “dim” In Kyoto-Japan (2023), and a group exhibition “reflection -distant view from seawall” in Fukushima, 2020 has been held among others.

〈Guest Speaker〉
Takayuki Yoshida https://yoshi-lab.org/
Born in Kobe, Japan. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Urban Management, Osaka Metropolitan University. Takayuki Yoshida is a board member of the Japan Association for Cultural Economics (JACE) and supervisor of the Japan Association for Cultural Policy Research (JACPR). Doctor of Philosophy. His research interests include cultural policy and art projects. Author of “Art Festivals and Regional Development: From Reception of ‘Festivals’ to Making Unique Resources through Spontaneity and Collaboration” (Suiyosha, 2019), “Art Festival Crisis Management: Management to Protect Freedom of Expression” (Suiyosha, 2020), and other works.

