村山修二郎 展 遊動/Nomadism
会期:2022年7月7日(木)~9月18日(日)|土・日 14~19時(※変動あり、随時更新)
植物を介したアート・コミュニケーションによる、制作・研究・活動・教育が2007年から現在まで貫くものだ。植巡り・路地園芸術祭・エゾタンポポプロジェクト・green line project・カラーズ・緑画・草木塔・草の輪・あそび×まなびのひろば・美術未来予想図・農園芸学部・動く土 動く植物などのシリーズを主に地域の中で展開している。
― 村山修二郎
monade contemporary | 単子現代では、当イベント/ギャラリー・スペースのオープニング・イベントとして、美術家の村山修二郎による「遊動/Nomadism」を開催します。
村山修二郎 https://www.shujiro-m.net/
Shujiro Murayama Exhibition Yūdō / Nomadism
Dates: July 7 (Thu) – September 18 (Sun), 2022|Saturdays, Sundays: 14:00 – 21:00 (*varies, please check the website)
Since the time when a plant purely and strongly accepted its existence in front of itself, it has been floating and traveling as if guided by nature, wandering like a nomad and touching various lands. Slipping between freedom and the rigid world, it lands on the ground, sprouts, repeating growth and failure, then becomes a new seed while evolving and wandering again.
Production, research, activities, and education through art and communication via plants have been the focus of my work from 2007 to the present. The series of ” Plant Tour,” “Roji-Engei Art Festival,” “Ezo Dandelion Project,” “green line project,” “colors,” “Ryokuga (Green Painting),” “Sōmoku Tower,” “Grass Circle,” “Play x Manabi-no-Hiroba,” “Art Future Vision,” “Faculty of Agriculture and Garden Art,” “Moving Earth, Moving Plant,” etc. are mainly developed in the local community.
The works to be exhibited at the newly established monade contemporary in a corner of a building in Gion, Kyoto, includes a special new work of “Ryokuga ” and the records of my wandering like a nomad with plants up to now.
― Shujiro Murayama
〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary is delighted to present “Yūdō / Nomadism” by artist Shujiro Murayama as the opening event of our event/gallery space.
Shujiro Murayama has been working in various locations such as Mukojima, Sumida-ku; Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku; Omoriyama, Akita City; Kakitani, Himi City; Taira, Iwaki City; and Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, focusing on the relationship between plants, people and communities. While experiencing gardening plants in alleys, dandelions spreading across plains, Aoki (Aucuba japonica) and Somei-yoshino cherry trees (Prunus × yedoensis) in riverside parks, and indigenous vegetation from ancient times, he devised a technique called “Ryokuga” (Green Painting), in which he rubbed live plants like grasses, trees, flowers, on paper and walls with his bare hands and turned it into artworks. Murayama’s “Ryokuga” strongly depicts the primordial power inherent in plants and the will of people toward the world to come, including workshops he has conducted with people of all ages, from children to the elderly, as if loving the life of plants. Murayama’s “Ryokuga” strongly depicts the primordial power inherent in plants and the will of people toward the world to come, including workshops he has conducted with people of all ages, from children to the elderly, as if loving the life of plants. Flowers and trees beautifully bloom, disperse, leave seeds, and expand their vegetation, like the history of mankind, which has played with nature, moved freely, and cultivated the land.
How can plants, people, and communities, together with Murayama’s “Ryokuga” and art, find a life or a vision of the future in the face of threats that shake the earth and the planet, from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake to the spread of COVID-19, which has been continuing since 2020? Please join us for a carnival of mourning and celebration with Murayama’s early and recent activities that crystallize into his latest “Ryokuga ” work.
*Exhibition visitors are kindly asked to place an order for a café in the exhibition space.
〈Artist Information〉
Shujiro Murayama https://www.shujiro-m.net/