桑原ゆう個展 音の声、声の音 | Yu Kuwabara Solo Exhibition Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound

桑原ゆう 個展 音の声、声の音 | Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound






12月1日に東京で開催される「桑原ゆう 言祝会」との併催企画。



11.1(金) 17:00 唄と陀羅尼 ヴァイオリン独奏 /逢魔が時のうた チェロ独奏
11.1(金) 20:00 唄と陀羅尼 ヴァイオリン独奏 /やがて、逢魔が時になろうとする 三味線独奏
11.2(土) 14:00 ソナタ・ヴォカリーズ/逢魔が時のうた いずれもチェロ独奏
11.2(土) 17:00 ソナタ・ヴォカリーズ/逢魔が時のうた いずれもチェロ独奏
11.2(土) 20:00 ソナタ・ヴォカリーズ/逢魔が時のうた いずれもチェロ独奏
11.3(日) 15:00 試聴会
11.3(日) 18:00 試聴会


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問い合わせ先:一般社団法人淡座 info@awaiza.com

桑原 ゆう(くわばら・ゆう)
日本の音と言葉を源流から探り、文化の古今と東西をつなぐことを軸に創作を展開する作曲家。第31回芥川也寸志サントリー作曲賞(旧名:芥川作曲賞)受賞。英国音楽レビューサイトBachtrack「2023年注目の女性作曲家8人」に選出。2024年、ウィーンの名門レーベルKairosより初の作品集アルバムをリリース。国立劇場、静岡音楽館AOI、神奈川県立音楽堂、横浜みなとみらいホール、箕面市立メイプルホール、ルツェルン音楽祭、ワルシャワの秋、アハト・ブリュッケン(ケルン)、ZeitRäume(バーゼル)、Transit 20·21(ルーヴェン)、I&I Foundation(チューリヒ)等、国内外で多くの委嘱を受け、世界各地の音楽祭や企画で作品が取り上げられている。東京藝術大学および同大学大学院修了。楽譜はEdition Gravis、Edition Wunn(共にドイツ)より出版。「淡座」メンバー。国立音楽大学、洗足学園音楽大学非常勤講師。



Yu Kuwabara Solo Exhibition “Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound”

In this exhibition, Yu Kuwabara’s original notation and images of notation are presented from the perspective of visual art, introducing the relationship between sound and voice as drawings or drawings of the invisible.

The exhibition will also include a live performance by members of Awai-Za and a talk event by Kuwabara, sharing a process in which sound and music emerge in the act of notation and performance around works for shomyo, Buddhist chanting.

To celebrate the release of Kuwabara’s first CD of works from Kairos (Vienna) in June 2024, a multifaceted and comprehensive look back at Kuwabara’s creative activities will be presented.

This event will be held with the “Yu Kuwabara: Kotohogi-e” in Tokyo on December 1.

Composer/Yu Kuwabara
Performance/ Shungo Mise (violin), Seiko Takemoto (cello), Hidejiro Honjoh (shamisen)

10.26 (Sat) 10.27 (Sun) 10.31 (Thu) 11.4 (Mon): 14:00-19:00
11.1 (Fri), 11.2 (Sat), 11.3 (Sun): 14:00-21:00
*10.28 (Mon) – 10.30 (Wed): Closed, Performance talk: approx. 1 hour

■Performance Talks (7 sessions, about 1 hour each)
11.1 (Fri) 17:00 Bai and Dharani (violin solo), Ōmagatoki no Uta (Hearing the Dusk Abyss) (cello solo) + talk
11.1 (Fri) 20:00 Bai and Dharani (violin solo), Falling Dusk (shamisen solo) + talk
11.2 (Sat) 14:00 Sonata-Vocalise, Ōmagatoki no Uta (Hearing the Dusk Abyss) (both for cello solo) + talk
11.2 (Sat) 17:00 Sonata-Vocalise, Ōmagatoki no Uta (Hearing the Dusk Abyss) (both for cello solo) + talk
11.2 (Sat) 20:00 Sonata-Vocalise, Ōmagatoki no Uta (Hearing the Dusk Abyss) (both for cello solo) + talk
11.3 (Sun) 15:00 Listening Session + talk
11.3 (Sun) 18:00 Listening Session + talk

Admission to the exhibition is free, and each Performance Talk is 2,000 JPY.
Reservation form for Performance Talk:

Contact: General Incorporated Association Awai-Za  info@awaiza.com

Japanese composer Yu Kuwabara (b.1984) examines her sense of being and traces the origins of Japanese sound and language that define her as a being, tirelessly crafting a complex tapestry of the old and new, the East and West in cultures.
A winner of the 31st Yasushi Akutagawa Suntory Award for Music Composition, Kuwabara’s past commissions include the Lucerne Festival, Acht Brücken, Warsaw Autumn, I&I Foundation, ZeitRäume Basel, Transit Festival 20-21, National Theatre of Japan, Suntory Foundation of Arts, and NHK-FM. Her works have been performed by Ensemble Modern, Trio Accanto and others at numerous international festivals and concerts such as Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Ultraschall Berlin, CRESC… Biennale, Bregenzer Fest Spiele, Tectonics Glasgow, Festival Musica, and Mostra Sonora Sueca. Her scores are published by Edition Gravis and Edition Wunn. In 2024, she released her first portrait album, YU KUWABARA: Sounded Voice, Voiced Sound, on the prestigious Viennese label KAIROS.
She is a member of Awai-Za, a chamber collective mixed with new music and Japanese Edo culture. She is a lecturer at Kunitachi College of Music and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.

*This concert is supported by the Suntory Art Foundation’s Saji Keizo Prize.

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