ひと雫の煌めきが遺伝子(いのち)を輝かす|A Sparkling Droplet Awakens the Radiance of Spirit

Kenji “Noiz” Nakamura 写真展・雫シリーズ

monade contemporary|単子現代
2025年1月30日(木)〜2月9日(日) * 木金土日のみ開催 
〒605-0829京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階
+ ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。

2025年1月30日(木)19~21時 アーティスト・トーク 19~20時 ※ワンドリンクオーダー

・2025年1月30日(木)12:00〜14:30 * ギャラリー15:00〜19:00
・2025年1月31日(金)12:00〜14:30 * ギャラリー15:00〜19:00
・2025年2月1日(土)12:00〜14:30   * ギャラリー15:00〜19:00
・2025年2月2日(日) -           * ギャラリー14:00〜19:00
・2025年2月6日(木)19:00〜21:30   * ギャラリー14:00〜18:00
・2025年2月7日(金)19:00〜21:30   * ギャラリー14:00〜18:00
・2025年2月8日(土)19:00〜21:30   * ギャラリー14:00〜18:00
・2025年2月9日(日) -           * ギャラリー14:00〜19:00
* イベント情報は、順次公開いたします。








・主催:Good Mode

Kenji “Noiz” Nakamura
写真家|Good Modeプロデューサー | 天狗 | 地球暦Amb. | 窓 (MUSVI株式会社)Amb. | PIONU NITED No.666。音楽プロデューサーを経て2020年に突如 | 天狗 | に転身。Good Modeに祝詞を奏上しながら | 日々是御神事 | を体現すべく、自然の中に開かれる一瞬の時空間へ祈りを捧げ、自然界と生物界の境を行き来する。自然のドキュメンタリーとして二十四節氣毎に日本の日の出が移ろいゆく風景を固定撮影し、額縁のように切り取った映像作品Nature Good Mode(2021-)を継続発表。地球暦と協奏しながら四周目を迎えた現在も元氣に運航中。

香月イユ(Iyu Kouzuki)


Kenji “Noiz” Nakamura Photograph Exhibition – Droplet Series
A Sparkling Droplet Awakens the Radiance of Spirit

monade contemporary | 単子現代
January 30 (Thu) – February 9 (Sun), 2025
*Open only on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
*Artist absent on February 2 (Sun) and February 9 (Sun).
Venue: Basement Floor, Yasaka Building
10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0829
*in cooperation with Café Mizuumi.

Opening Reception
January 30 (Thu), 2025, 7:00 PM–9:00 PM
Artist Talk: 7:00 PM–8:00 PM (One drink order required)

January 30 (Thu), 2025: 12:00 PM–2:30 PM (Gallery open 3:00 PM–7:00 PM)
January 31 (Fri), 2025: 12:00 PM–2:30 PM   (Gallery open 3:00 PM–7:00 PM)
February 1 (Sat), 2025: 12:00 PM–2:30 PM  (Gallery open 3:00 PM–7:00 PM)
February 2 (Sun), 2025: -            (Gallery open 2:00 PM–7:00 PM)
February 6 (Thu), 2025: 7:00 PM–9:30 PM   (Gallery open 2:00 PM–6:00 PM)
February 7 (Fri), 2025: 7:00 PM–9:30 PM     (Gallery open 2:00 PM–6:00 PM)
February 8 (Sat), 2025: 7:00 PM–9:30 PM    (Gallery open 2:00 PM–6:00 PM)
February 9 (Sun), 2025: –                            (Gallery open 2:00 PM–7:00 PM)
*Separate tickets are required for all events. Gallery exhibitions are free to attend.
*Event details will be announced gradually.

[Exhibition Information]
70 meters underground. Fuji Wind Cave. A world where the only sound is droplets falling onto eternal ice in a pitch-dark cave, untouched by light. Turning off all sources of illumination, whether your eyes are open or closed, the pitch black surrounds you.

You reach out and feel existence, yet nothing can be seen. The absence of sight causes your perception to drift, dissolving into memories of when you were formless, in the womb of your mother.

Time—stretching into billions of years yet feeling as fleeting as a few seconds—unfolds. You open your eyes and turn on the headlamp. In your view, the space is filled entirely with infinite particles of mist. They shimmer in seven colors, each holding its own universe within.

In a timeless moment, “Shizuku-chan” quietly glimmers at the edge of dimensions, resonating gently, like the ripple of a lake at dawn.

“All is one. I am you, and you are me. | In Lak’ech”

That moment, I truly awakened. And so began my journey of photography.

This exhibition marks four years since I began capturing photographs in 2021, presenting a selection of “Shizuku-chan” works entrusted to me by nature, including new pieces.

Planner by: Iyu Kouzuki
Organized by: Good Mode
Sponsored by: Nakano Building Co., Ltd.

Kenji “Noiz” Nakamura
Photographer | Good Mode Producer | Tengu | HELIO COMPAS Ambassador | MUSVI Inc. Ambassador | PIONU NITED No.666. After a career as a music producer, he suddenly transitioned into a Tengu in 2020. He has been continuously releasing Nature Good Mode (2021–), a series of documentary video works that capture Japan’s ever-changing sunrise landscapes, framed like a natural picture frame.

Iyu Kouzuki
Museum Navigator / Independent Curator. Art enthusiast who tours art galleries, museums, and art festivals in Japan and abroad. She manages and curates galleries and plans art events. She has participated in art projects such as Grand Green Osaka, and is active in multiple fields of culture and the arts.

