高田洋三/Ralo Mayer/渡邊耕一/Dana Fritz 展
風景の大気圏 | Atmosphere of the Landscape
monade contemporary | 単子現代では、高田洋三、Ralo Mayer(ラロ・マイヤー)、渡邊耕一/Dana Fritz(ダナ・フリッツ)による「風景の大気圏 | Atmosphere of the Landscape 」をKG+とともに開催します。
大気は人類と植物がつくる風景の媒質のようなものとして知覚されてきました。高田洋三の写真は、あるエコシステムの研究所の屋内風景を10年間の歳月をかけた視差とともに眼差します。Ralo Mayerのビデオは、同研究所の屋内風景とアーカイブにグリッチ処理を施した実験的映像として制作されています。渡邊耕一の写真は、ある幻の薬草の植生を15世紀から現在に至る歴史的時間とヨーロッパからアジアに拡がる地理的空間のなかで辿ります。またDana Fritzの写真は、かつて世界最大の植林であったネブラスカ国立森林を人間と非-人間的なものによる力が形成する合成風景として描き出します。
monade contemporary|単子現代
2025年4月26日(土)~5月11日(日)|closed 4/28 4/30 5/7 14~19時
アーティスト・トーク 4月26日(土)18~19時 *ワンドリンクオーダー
〒605-0829京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階
ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。
写真家。札幌出身。筑波大学芸術専門学群・総合造形コースを1995年に卒業。 人と自然とが相互に影響してつくられる風景をテーマに制作する。風力発電の建設過程を撮影した「WINDSCAPE」、札幌の雪まつりの雪像制作を撮影した「CAMOUFLAGE」、祖母の生まれた道東の小さな島を撮影した「小島エピローグ」など。国内外での展覧会多数。
日本ではどこにでもある雑草「イタドリ」を追いかけ、ヨーロッパで侵略的外来種となっている現状を写真とテキストでまとめた「Moving Plants」でデビューした。植物とその背後にある見えない歴史を追って撮影を続ける。
© TAKADA Yozo,「Nature Guide」
© Ralo Mayer,「frnknst9n Invocation (There’s something lurking in the space between)」
© WATANABE Koichi,「Contrayerba in dreaming」, courtesy of The Third Gallery Aya, 単子現代
© Dana Fritz,「Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape」
TAKADA Yozo/Ralo Mayer/WATANABE Koichi/Dana Fritz Exhibition
Atmosphere of the Landscape
〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代is pleased to present “Atmosphere of the Landscape,” TAKADA Yozo/Ralo Mayer/WATANABE Koichi/Dana Fritz Exhibition in collaboration with KG+.
The atmosphere is perceived as a medium of the landscape produced by humans and plants. TAKADA Yozo’s photograps capture the indoor landscape of an ecosystem research institute over a decade. Ralo Mayer’s experimental video merges the institute’s indoor scenery and archives into a glitched movie. WATANABE Koichi’s photographs trace the vegetation of an enigmatic herb across the historical timeline from the 15th century to the present and the geographical space stretching from Europe to Asia. Dana Fritz’s photographs depict Nebraska National Forest, once the world’s largest hand-planted forest, as a hybrid landscape shaped by human and non-human forces.
While breathing within vegetation, how do humans expanding their habitat , and plants extending their range through parasitic interactions with humans, weave a history of landscapes? Please participate in the atmospheric sphere of landscapes born from the history that connects humanity and plants.
monade contemporary|単子現代
April 26 (Sat) – May 11 (Sun), 2025 | 14:00−19:00 Closed: 4.28. 4.30. 5.7
Artist Talk April 26 (Sat) 18:00–19:00 *One drink order required
B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829
*In cooperation with Café Mizuumi.
Born in Sapporo. Graduated from the University of Tsukuba, specializing in School of Art and Design in 1995. His work focuses on landscapes created through the mutual influence between humans and nature. His notable works include WINDSCAPE, which documents the construction process of wind power plants; CAMOUFLAGE, which captures the creation of snow sculptures at the Sapporo Snow Festival; and Small Island Epilogue, which features a small island in eastern Hokkaido where his grandmother was born. He has held numerous exhibitions both in Japan and abroad.
Ralo Mayer
Artist, filmmaker and researcher exploring fields like ecology, science fiction, or space exploration through cross-media storytelling. His artistic practice is based on performative research, a processual approach of knowledge production that employs dramatic means like scripts, roles and props. Mayer’s work has been presented and published at international exhibitions, film festivals and conferences and received several awards.
Watanabe made his debut with the photography and text project Moving Plants, in which he searched for Japanese knotweed, a common weed found throughout Japan, in various places and situations in Europe, where it has become an invasive species. Since then, he has continued photographing plants and investigating their hidden histories.
Dana Fritz
Dana Fritz explores how we shape and represent the land, engaging ideas about climate change, environmental history, and ecology in a place-based practice. Her honors include an Arizona Commission on the Arts Fellowship, a Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange to Japan, and a Society for Photographic Education Imagemaker Award. Fritz is Hixson-Lied Professor of Art and a Center for Great Plains Studies Fellow at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
KG+ https://kgplus.kyotographie.jp/