monade contemporary|単子現代
会期:2023年5月19日(金)~6月11日(日)|金・土・日 14~19時 入場料:無料
*プレビュー 5月19日(金)19時~
*オープニングパーティ 5月21日(日)16時~
会場:〒605-0829京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入ル 2号室
京阪 祇園四条 徒歩10分/阪急 京都河原町 徒歩12分/京都市バス 東山安井 徒歩2分
本展は、Karine Fauchard(カリーヌ・フォシャール)とLazar Lyutakov(ラザール・リュタコフ)の5度目となるコラボレーションで、2部構成となっている。第2部「松葉に桃花の美徳を称えて」は、6月上旬よりStudio GROSS(東京)で開催される。
― Karine Fauchard / Lazar Lyutakov
monade contemporary | 単子現代では、アーティストKarine Fauchard(カリーヌ・フォシャール)とLazar Lyutakov(ラザール・リュタコフ)による「桃花に松葉の美徳を称えて(Extolling the Virtues of Pine Needles over Peach Blossoms)」を開催します。
Karine Fauchardはこれまで、動物や植物といった自然のモチーフ、あるいはその場所にみられるものとともに、絵画の可能性を存在論の水準から拡張し、全体と空虚、静謐と喧噪、描くことと空間の関係性などを探究してきました。また、Lazar Lyutakovは、グローバル企業によって生産された量産品をはじめとするモチーフやその場所にみられるものとのかかわりから、消費活動の自立的な運動によって繰り広げられる差異と反復のなかに市場や交通といった概念の生成と消滅、あるいは成立の与件について考察を深めるインスタレーションを展開してきました。Karine FauchardとLazar Lyutakovの協働による展示活動は、高度に発展した情報資本主義下における自然と市場のかかわりから、「見つけたもの」を選択し、配置し、再構成します。
Karine FauchardとLazar Lyutakovが来日を機に出合うことになった秦致貞(はたのちてい)の《聖徳太子絵伝》(1069)にみられる桃花と松葉をめぐる聖徳大使の逸話は、どのように今日的な状況における形相と質料をめぐる美徳のあり方を問いかけるのでしょうか。
Karine Fauchard(カリーヌ・フォシャール):1976年、Meudon la forêt(フランス)生まれ。パリのEcole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts修了(1998~2004)。作品は、Punta Gallery Sofia(2022)、New Jörg Vienna(2021)、Gnomons Non-Objective Sud (NOS), Tulette, France (2017)、第6回モスクワ現代美術ビエンナーレ(特別企画、2015)、Fotohof Salzburg(2011)、Daejeon Museum South Ko-rea (2010)などオーストリ アをはじめ世界各地で発表されている。オーストリア政府芸術奨学金、Erste Bank MehrWERT-Artprize 第1位、ENSBA Prix de gravure、Lafayette Gallery Parisの若手芸術家賞など、受賞多数。2007年より、Lazar Lyutakovとの協働により、ブルガリアの展示スペースBaba Vasa’s Cellarのディレクターを務める。
Lazar Lyutakov(ラザール・リュタコフ):1977年、Shabla(ブルガリア)生まれ。Sofiaの国立芸術アカデミーで学び、2005年にウィーン美術アカデミーを卒業。作品はRada Boukovaとともにブルガリア代表として参加した第58回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際美術展(2019)、第6回モスクワ・ビエンナーレ(特別企画、2015)、オーストリア応用美術博物館 MAK(ウィーン)の第1回ウィーンビエンナーレ(2015)で出展された。世界各地で多数の展覧会に参加し、特にSecession Vienna(2023年6月予定)、Gallery Charim Vienna(2022年)、Georg Kargl Permanent(2015)、MAK Vienna(2011)、SofiaのOne night stand gallery(2017)で個展を開催している。
Karine Fauchard / Lazar Lyutakov Exhibition
”Extolling the Virtues of Pine Needles over Peach Blossoms”
monade contemporary|単子現代
Dates: May 19 (Fri) – June 11 (Sun), 2023|Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays: 14:00 – 19:00
*Preview : Friday, 19 May, 19:00 –
*Opening Party : Sunday 21 May, 16:00 –
Venue: Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829
12-minute walk from Hankyu Kyoto Kawaramachi st. / 10-minute walk from Keihan Gion Shijo st. 2-minute walk from Kyoto City Bus Higashiyama Yasui
*In cooperation with Café Mizuumi. A café is also available for enjoy.
An episode of the illustrated biography of Prince Shotoku by Hata no Chitei, exhibited at the The Gallery of Horyuji Treasures, tells the story of the young prince being asked by his father which he likes better, peach blossoms or pine needles. Shotoku answered that he preferred needles: “Because the beauty of peach blossoms is only temporary, but pine needles remain fresh and green for a hundred years”. How do we arrange and compare objects, images or experiences in a world of overproduction, where the alternative has been turned into business? What does the ephemeral mean now, when sustainability belongs to the mainstream?
This exhibition marks the 5th collaboration of Karine Fauchard and Lazar Lyutakov and consists of two parts. The second part, “Extolling the Virtues of Peach Blossoms over Pine Needles” will open beginning of June in Studio Gross, Tokyo.
― Karine Fauchard / Lazar Lyutakov
〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代 is pleased to present “Extolling the Virtues of Pine Needles over Peach Blossoms” by artists Karine Fauchard and Lazar Lyutakov.
Karine Fauchard often uses motifs found in nature, such as animals and plants, to expand the possibilities of painting from an ontological level and explore the relationship between totality and emptiness, tranquility and noise, painting and space. Lazar Lyutakov’s installations, in which he engages with objects such as mass-produced commodities made by global corporations and the things that can be found only at a specific place, deepen our consideration of the creation and disappearance of concepts such as market and distribution, or the conditions for their formation, in the difference and repetition that unfolds through the independent movement of consumer activities. Karine Fauchard and Lazar Lyutakov’s collaborative exhibition activities select, arrange, and reconstruct “the found” in relation to the nature and the market amid the highly developed information capitalism today.
How does the scene with the peach blossoms and pine needles of the illustrated biography of Prince Shotoku by Hata no Chitei (1069), which Karine Fauchard and Lazar Lyutakov encounter on their visit to Japan, question the nature of virtue over form and material in today’s situation here?
Along with the interplay of painting, drawing, collage, sculpture in this installation, inspired by Hata no Chitei’s work, join us for the accidental encounters and shifting relationships that arise and change transitionally – natural/artificial, organic/non-organic, generation/disappearance, production/consumption, and expression/reception.
Karine Fauchard was born 1976 in Meudon la forêt (FR), she studied at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris (1998–2004). Her works have been presented in Austria and internationally, including the Punta Gallery Sofia (2022), New Jörg Vienna (2021), Gnomons Non-Objective Sud (NOS), Tulette, France (2017), the 6th Moscow Biennale for Contemporary Art (special project, 2015), Fotohof Salzburg (2011), Daejeon Museum South Korea (2010). She has received numerous awards such as the Austrian State Scholarship for Fine Arts, the 1st prize Erste Bank MehrWERT-Artprize or Prix de gravure, ENSBA. Since 2007 she is co-directing the exhibition space Baba Vasa’s Cellar in Bulgaria together with Lazar Lyutakov.
Lazar Lyutakov was born in 1977 in Shabla, Bulgaria. He studied at the National Art Academy in Sofia und graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 2005. His works were included in the 58th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, where he and Rada Boukova represented Bulgaria (2019), the 6th Moscow Biennale (special project, 2015) and the 1st Vienna Biennale in MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied & Contemporary Arts, Vienna (2015). He participated in numerous exhibitions worldwide and has held solo exhibitions among others at Secession Vienna (upcoming June 2023), Gallery Charim Vienna (2022), Georg Kargl Permanent (2015), MAK Vienna (2011) and One night stand gallery in Sofia (2017).
*Supported by Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport, Austria