monade contemporary | 単子現代
透ける白(蕪の酢の物) コンセプトやストーリーとともに食す by 杉本博司
森美術館 (監).ARTISTS’ COOKBOOK under Lockdown.東京,左右社,2021.
幽玄の喧噪 /日本酒(淡麗辛口)、トニックウォーター
Art Bar unearth
June 24, Sat, 2023, 7-11pm
monade contemporary | 単子現代
Host: T.O.
Collection Sharing Party: Please bring one work that you would like to see with others! (Anything. If not, none.)
Eraser Stamp – Collection Today – Nothingness and Margins
〈Finger Food〉
Transparent White (Turnip à la Vinaigrette) – Dishes with Ideas and Stories by Hiroshi Sugimoto
Mori Art Museum (ed). ARTISTS’ COOKBOOK under Lockdown, Tokyo, Sayusha, 2021.
(Special Cocktail).
Ether’s Clamor / Sake (light, dry), tonic water