アーティスト・トーク「現実のおもちゃ性」 ―ファニ・フッタークネヒト、観客と語る | Artist Talk “The Toyness of Reality”― Fanni Futterknecht in conversation with Audience


monade contemporary|単子現代
9月14日(土)19:00~21:00 *ワンドリンクオーダー


ビデオ、パフォーマンス、インスタレーションといった幅広い分野で活躍しているフッタークネヒトは、時間ベースのビジュアル・アートやパフォーミング・アートにおけるパフォーマンスと、テクストや 物語との関係について、検証しようとしています。この探求の一環として、メディアの翻訳プロセスについて検証し、それぞれの芸術的文脈で使用されるメディアについて問いかけます。

monade contemporary | 単子現代でのプレゼンテーションでは、アーティストは自身の疑問について率直に考え、観客にそれぞれの視点や考えを共有します。

日本でのリサーチ・プロジェクトにおいて、フッタークネヒトは遊具や おもちゃに内在する政治的な側面を批判的に探求するとともに、拡大し続ける資本主義の風景のなかでファンタジーによるマーケティングについて精査しています。



フッタークネヒトは、今後、TRA-TRAVEL Osakaでのレジデンス期間中、ウィーンを拠点に活動する作曲家カミロ・ラトーレとコラボレーションし、パフォーマンスと映像制作を通じてさまざまな表現形式を探求する予定です。2 人はTRA-TRAVEL Osakaの招聘によるアート・レジデンスの一環として大阪で1ヵ月を過ごした後、東京でリサーチを続けます。



ARTIST TALK | The Toyness of Reality
Fanni Futterknecht in conversation with Audience

monade contemporary|単子現代
September 14 (Sat) 19:00-21:00 *one drink order
Fanni Futterknecht

〈Artist Talk〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代 is pleased to present an artist talk event by Fanni Futterknecht.

Vienna-based Austrian visual artist Fanni Futterknecht works in an interdisciplinary artistic field between video, performance and installation. Her practice examines performance in the time-based visual and performing arts and its relationship to text and narrative. Part of this exploration is the examination of media translation processes and questioning the media used in the respective artistic context.

Within her research project in Japan, she will engage in a critical exploration of the political dimensions inherent in playthings and toys, while also scrutinizing the marketing of fantasy within an ever-expanding capitalist landscape.

The inspiration for this project came from last year’s stay in Japan, as one of the largest exporters of toys in the world and an outstanding example of the global influence of toys and play narratives. Characters based on Japanese comics, games and animations such as Godzilla, Power Rangers, and Super Mario shape the imagination of people worldwide, creating trends in design and pop culture reaching beyond the borders of Japan.

Illuminating the social and political dimensions embedded in play and its commercialization, this research goes beyond the individual experience, intertwining personal narratives with broader societal reflections in search of the interplay between play, politics, and cultural dynamics.

In her presentation at monade contemporary | 単子現代, the artist aims to reflect on her questions openly, encouraging the audience to share their perspectives and thoughts.

During a residency at TRA-TRAVEL Osaka, Futterknecht will collaborate with Vienna-based composer Camilo Latorre to explore various forms of representation through performance and film creation. They will spend one month in Osaka as part of this art residency, invited by TRA-TRAVEL Osaka, before continuing their research in Tokyo.

Fanni Futterknecht
Visual artist based in Vienna, Austria. She studied fine art and media art at the Herit Rietveld Academy and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, and later studied performance, space and the body in France. Futterknecht’s work applies diverse techniques such as performance, demonstration, video, and installation, and reflects social issues through poetic interpretation.

