本原令子 個展 踊る、国境線 | Reico Motohara Solo Exhibition Dancing on the Borderline

本原令子 個展
踊る、国境線 | Dancing on the Borderline


monade contemporary|単子現代
2024年10月5日(土)〜20日(日)|木・金・土・日 14~19時

オープニング・レセプション:2024年10月5日(土) 19~21時
アーティスト・トーク:2024年10月5日(土) 18~19時 (1000円 *ワンドリンク付)

イベント「越境する、レシピ」:10月12日(土)17時~19時 (2000円 *1ドリンク・食事付)
*要予約 *ご予約は https://peatix.com/event/4139470/ から!

2023年、本原令子はロシアとの国境にあるエストニアの街にあるNarva Art Residencyに2ヶ月間滞在した。



― 本原令子

monade contemporary | 単子現代では、本原令子による個展「踊る、国境線 | Dancing on the Borderline」を開催します。




陶芸家・美術家/「土」を使って焼き物に限らず、映像やパフォーマンス、ワークショップなどを行う。静岡市の登呂遺跡で田んぼの土から土器と米を作り出して食べる活動から、人間も循環の一部だと実感する。同時代を生きる人の台所を訪ね、一緒に料理を作って食べながらの会話を記録する「Kitchen Stories」を国内外で展開。2024年、野外ツアー型の演劇作品「かちかち山の台所」でインスタレーションを担当。


Reico Motohara Solo Exhibition
Dancing on the Borderline

monade contemporary|単子現代
October 5 (Sat) – 20 (Sun), 2024|Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun 14:00-19:00
Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829 *in cooperation with Café Mizuumi.

Opening reception: October 5, 2024 (Sat) 19-21:00
Artist Talk: October 5, 2024 (Sat) 18:00-19:00 (1000 JPY *including one drink)

Event “Crossing Borders Recipes”: October 12, 2024 (Sat) 17:00-19:00 (2000 JPY *including one drink and a meal)
We will connect Narva (Ljubov) – Shizuoka (Motohara) – Kyoto (Café Mizuumi) remotely, and Ljubov will teach us how to make “borscht” and “silniki” pancakes with cheese, while we chat. We will enjoy the final meal together.
*Reservations required via https://peatix.com/event/4139470/

In 2023, Reico Motohara spent two months at Narva Art Residency, an Estonian city on the Russian border.

The borderline in the middle of the river is very peaceful, with birds and fish freely coming and going. Even though war is right next door, people still make and enjoy their meals. In the kitchens of the people who live in the town, I recorded conversations while making and sharing the family’s standard dishes, revealing fragments of history and social issues through casual exchanges of words.

I will show video, photographs, and an installation of three-dimensional works made from clay collected in the area, as well as a related event, a performance connecting people living on the border remotely to cook and share a meal together.

― Reico Motohara

〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代 is pleased to present the solo exhibition “Dancing on the Borderline” by Reico Motohara.

Motohara has created objects by communicating with clay as a gift from nature. In recent years, the artist has become interested in using clay and other media to initiate dialogue, and has been making works that reflect on society and evolve from her interactions with ordinary people.

In this exhibition, Motohara reflects on her two-month stay in the Estonian city of Narva on the border with Russia in 2023, and presents an installation of video, photographs, and sculptures made from clay collected in the area. As a related event, Motohara will connect remotely with a person living near the border to cook and share a meal. Motohara says that by cooking and sharing meals in the kitchens of city dwellers, she could see people’s histories and social issues through casual exchanges of words.

When the people who occupy the territory of a nation are transplanted, how are memories woven and histories formed? Please join us for a brief time of crossing borders through the acts of living, eating, talking, and creating.

Reico Motohara
Ceramic artist / fine artist / works with “clay” creating pottery, videos, performances, workshops, etc. Through activities to produce and eat earthenware and rice from rice paddy soil at the Toro Ruins in Shizuoka City, the artist realized that human beings are also part of the cycle. In 202, Motohara participated in an outdoor touring theater production, “Kachikachiyama no Kitchen” with the installation.

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Kyoto Experiment: Kyoto International Performing Arts Festival 2024 Fringe: More Experiments

