バベルの図書館 | La Biblioteca 福本浩子 個展

バベルの図書館 | La Biblioteca
福本浩子 個展

monade contemporary|単子現代
2024年12月14日(土)~2025年1月5日(日)|木・金・土・日 14~19時 *2日(木)はクローズ
オープニング・レセプション 12月14日(土)19~21時
アーティストトーク 1月4日(土)18~19時 *ワンドリンクオーダー
〒605-0829 京都市東山区月見町10-2 八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入ル 2号室
+ ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。


図書館(La Biblioteca)とは、多くの本・印刷物が集められた場である。同時に、それらの分類・保管などの機能をもつ建造物のことでもある。ホルヘ=ルイス=ボルヘスの「バベルの図書館(La Biblioteca di Babele)」という短編小説のなかでは、図書館は、世界そのものの比喩であるとともに、すべての「情報」を内包した、知の総体としてとらえられている。つまり、図書館は単に書物保管・閲覧のための機能的な場所というだけではなく、「知」そのものを象徴する「情報の場」であるともいえる。


― 福本浩子

monade contemporary | 単子現代では、福本浩子による個展「バベルの図書館 | La Biblioteca」を開催します。


本展では、福本が長年かけて発展させてきた「図書館(La Biblioteca)」にかかわるインスタレーション作品、および関連作品を紹介します。多くの本・印刷物が集められ、分類・保管などの機能をもつ建造物として存在する「情報の場」としての図書館は、ホルヘ=ルイス=ボルヘスの「バベルの図書館(La Biblioteca di Babele)」から得た着想をもとに、日常生活を流通する新聞紙や本といった印刷物を溶かし、漉き、固めた多数のブロックを積み上げることによって、危うい緊張感を孕みながらもそびえ立つ記念碑的な様相を呈することになります。


1971年、兵庫県神戸市生まれ、京都市在住。1994年、京都教育大学教育学部美術学科特修美術専攻卒業。近年の活動として、個展に「Mycobook 福本浩子展」ギャラリー16 APERTO(2019年)、「Mycobook」MEDIA SHOP gallery(2021年)、グループ展に「これは本ではない」うらわ美術館、福井市美術館(2010−2011年)などがある。「こみまる展2009」大賞(吹田歴史文化まちづくり協会〔大阪〕)。パブリックコレクションに、2004年「Palimpsestes」いまだて芸術館(福井)、2006年「ふしぎきのこ」篠山チルドレンズミュージアム(兵庫)などがある。



La Biblioteca
Hiroko Fukumoto Solo Exhibition

monade contemporary|単子現代
December 14, 2024 (Sat) – January 5, 2025 (Sun)

Open: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 14:00-19:00 (Closed on January 2)
Opening Reception:December 14, 2024 (Sat) 19:00-21:00
Artist Talk:January 4, 2025 (Sat) 18:00-19:00

Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829 *in cooperation with Café Mizuumi.

I have been creating installation works and book-object works based on the theme of “the relationship between ‘information’ and ‘objects,'” using printed materials such as newspapers and books. In my works, I aim to express that “information” is not merely an abstract concept but exists as a tangible “place” with specific forms, textures, and volumes. Abstract “information” can only truly exist when it becomes a real “object.” And this “object” requires a place where it can be situated or accumulated. Through my works, I hope to clearly demonstrate that both “abstraction” and “concreteness” are equally essential and significant perspectives when viewing things.

A library (La Biblioteca) is a place where numerous books and printed materials are gathered. At the same time, it is also a structure with functions such as classification and storage. In Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Library of Babel (La Biblioteca de Babel), the library is portrayed as a metaphor for the world itself, as well as the totality of knowledge, encompassing all “information.” In other words, a library is not merely a functional space for storing and viewing books but can also be seen as a “field of information” that symbolizes “knowledge” itself.

I am deeply interested in these multifaceted meanings of the “library” and the countless “books” that should be contained within it. Today is often referred to as the information society, but long before this—perhaps since humanity first began its social activities—people have needed “information” and have made efforts and various attempts to develop it. When reading books, magazines, or newspapers, we usually extract “information” without being particularly conscious of the fact that the medium is “paper.” However, by presenting works in which I process paper into forms imbued with new meanings, utilizing its material characteristics as an “object,” I believe viewers can become aware of the nature of “information media,” its power, and alternative aspects of familiar materials. The relationship between the text and images printed on paper and the physical characteristics of the paper itself may be the most explicit representation of the relationship between “information” and “objects.”

— Hiroko Fukumoto

〈Exhibition Information〉
monade contemporary | 単子現代 is pleased to present “The Library of Babel | La Biblioteca,” a solo exhibition by Hiroko Fukumoto.

Fukumoto has been creating installation works and book-object works using printed materials, focusing on the relationship between “information” and “objects.” She considers art based on printed materials to be a “field” where “information” and “objects,” abstraction and concreteness, coexist and manifest.

This exhibition features Fukumoto’s installation works and related pieces inspired by the concept of “the library (La Biblioteca),” a theme she has been developing over many years. A library, as a “place of information,” is a structure where numerous books and printed materials are collected, classified, and stored. Drawing inspiration from Jorge Luis Borges’ The Library of Babel (La Biblioteca di Babel), Fukumoto uses everyday printed materials such as newspapers and books—dissolving, pulping, and solidifying them into blocks. These blocks are then stacked to form monumental and precariously balanced structures, embodying both tension and stability.

When the lives of people navigating spaces saturated with ever-proliferating, managed, and accessed information are symbolized by towers or walls made of ink and paper, what impression does today’s world leave on the viewer? Please join us at the watershed moment of assembly and dispersion that foreshadows the collapse of the panoptic control over information and survival.

Hiroko Fukumoto https://www.instagram.com/fukumoto_hiroko/
Hiroko Fukumoto was born in 1971 in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture, and currently resides in Kyoto. She graduated in 1994 from the Kyoto University of Education, Department of Fine Arts In recent years, The artist’s solo exhibitions have included Mycobook: Hiroko Fukumoto Exhibition at Gallery 16 APERTO in 2019 and Mycobook at MEDIA SHOP gallery in 2021. Fukumoto has also participated in group exhibitions, such as This Is Not a Book, held at the Urawa Art Museum and Fukui Fine Arts Museum from 2010 to 2011. She received the Grand Prize at the Komimaru Exhibition, organized by the Suita Historical and Cultural Town Planning Association in Osaka, 2009. Public collections include Palimpsestes (2004) at the Imadate Art Museum in Fukui and Mysterious Mushrooms (2006) at the Sasayama Children’s Museum in Hyogo.

Kyoto Art Center’s Production Support Program

