Sisu Coromina
存在と行為について | On Being and Doing
(c) Enric Coromina
monade contemporary|単子現代
2025年2月16日(日) 19時~
京都市東山区月見町10-2八坂ビル地下1階 奥左入2号室
+ ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ *併設のカフェもお楽しみいただけます。
近年は、ダンスや身体の動きを表現手法の一つとして取り入れている。現在、サクソフォンと身体の動きを融合させた作品、スペインギターによる自作曲を含む2部構成のソロ・プロジェクトに取り組んでいる。本作は、京都のギャラリー、monade contemporary | 単子現代で初公開される。
On Being and Doing
monade contemporary|単子現代
February 16 (Sun), 2025 19:00-
Live performance/music
Admission: one drink order
Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
*in cooperation with Café Mizuumi.
Isn’t “letting it happen” an intention in itself?
What do we mean when we say “be yourself”?
How to reconcile “being myself” and answering the question “what do I have to do”?
What is the ideal balance between artist and craftsman?
What is our responsibility towards art, towards life?
―Sisu Coromina
Sisu Coromina
Born in Girona, 1981, Sisu Coromina is a multi-instrumentalist musician, composer, improviser and arranger, active in the music scene of Barcelona and surrounding areas from an early age. He has several works as an author and multiple collaborations, works that have been presented nationally and internationally, in styles ranging from free jazz, progressive rock, reggae and pop-rock.
In recent years she has incorporated dance and movement into his list of forms of expression. He is currently working on his second solo, composed of two parts, where body movement and saxophone are mixed, and his own compositions on Spanish guitar. This work will be presented for the first time at the monade contemporary | 単子現代 art gallery in Kyoto.