岡田温司×河合政之トークイベント 間をめぐって | Atsushi Okada / Masayuki Kawai Talk Event “Something in Between”


Masayuki Kawai, Crystallization (detail), 2025. Courtesy of MORI YU GALLERY




岡田温司 Atsushi Okada
哲学者・美術史家。1953年広島県三原市生まれ。京都大学文学部哲学科美学美術史学専攻卒業。 同大学院文学研究科博士課程中退後、岡山大学助教授を経て、1991年に京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科教授に就任。 2020年、定年退職後は名誉教授となり、同年から京都精華大学芸術学部教授を務める。著書に『半透明の美学』、『アートの潜勢力』など。他多数出版。

河合政之 Masayuki Kawai

18:30 開場|19:00 開始|20:30 終了
monade contemporary | 単子現代(京都市東山区月見町10-2 地下1階)
+ ことばを食べるカフェ みずうみ

一般 1000円 / 学生 500円(※学生証の提示をお願いします)



イベント終了後、会場にて懇親会を開催します。対談を聞かれた方以外も参加可能です。懇親会のみ参加される方はワンドリンク(500円) オーダーで参加いただけます。現金をご用意の上お越しください。

お問い合わせ y.aoi510216@gmail.com

※対談の撮影・公開:当日の対談の様子は撮影し、後日 YouTube で公開予定。

企画:山田葵 神田凜
助成:Arts Aid KYOTO

Atsushi Okada / Masayuki Kawai Talk Event
“Something in Between”

Through the practice of video art, Masayuki Kawai explores aesthetics, while Atsushi Okada approaches art from multiple perspectives, including art history and philosophy. From each of their viewpoints, they will contemplate the concept of “Aida” (Something in Between).

With the rapid development of daily information media, it feels as though society and individuals are gradually losing their flexibility. How can we open ourselves to the ambiguity and fluctuations within that “Something in between,” without being distracted by the things that are immediately visible?

By considering the practice and history of art and philosophy, the dialogue between the two may give rise to a new perspective. What kind of chemical reaction will emerge from their words crossing over different domains? We invite you to witness that moment.

Atsushi Okada
Philosopher and art historian, born in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture in 1953. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, majoring in aesthetics and art history. After withdrawing from the doctoral program of the Graduate School of Letters at Kyoto University, he worked as an assistant professor at Okayama University before becoming a professor at the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University in 1991. After his retirement in 2020, he became a professor emeritus and has been a professor at the Faculty of Arts, Kyoto Seika University since the same year. His recent publications include“Philosophy of Contemporary Art: Art and Its Theory” (2023) and “ReconstructingAesthetics: Exploring Vision and Culture” (2021).

Masayuki Kawai
Video artist/theorist, born in 1972 in Osaka and now works in Tokyo. He creates video works in a unique style that offers radical visions of philosophy and politics derived from his consideration of informational society and the essence of media. His exploratory techniques and activities are unconstrained by genres such as film, contemporary art, performance. He also published the first theoretical monograph in Japan about video art, “Reflexion: The Practical Aesthetics of Video Art”. He holds a B.A. in aesthetics and an M.A. in representation and culture from the University of Tokyo.

Date: Friday, February 28
Time: 19:00 – 20:30 (Doors open at 18:30)
Venue: monade contemporary | 単子現代
Access: Room 2, B1F Yasaka Bldg, 10-2 Tsukimi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, 605-0829 *in cooperation with Café Mizuumi.
Admission: General: 1,000 yen | Student: 500 yen (Cash only, one-drink order required)
Capacity: 15 people (First-come, first-served)
Reservation: https://moraldilemma5.github.io/aidawomegutte/

Plan:Aoi Yamada, Lyn Kanda
Support:Arts Aid KYOTO

